Sunday 12 August 2012

Customize Bullet List and Number list Using Hover Effect

Bullet and Number List Hover Effect Keeping the posts unique in every way should be the aim of every blogger. The Number list (ol) and Bullet list (ul) is an important part of a good article. To change  the entire look and feel of these lists we will use simple CSS effects to bring about a change in bullets and number style on mouse hover. This tutorial consists of two very interesting parts,

  1. Change Bullet list (un-ordered list) style on Mouse Hover
  2. Change Number List (order list) style on Mouse Hover

Change Bullet list (ul) style on Mouse Hover

Before I may start lets see a Live Demo. Make sure you hit the Preview button.

Live Demo

To add this effect to your posts, do the following,
  • Log into Blogger
  • Go To Layout > Edit HTML
  • Now add this piece of code just above ]]></b:skin>
.post ul {list-style-type: circle;     }
.post ul li {
line-height: 1.5em;       
.post ul li:hover {
list-style-type: disc; }
.post ul p { color:#555555;
             line-height:1.4em;  }
You can change the colors with any Hexa Decimal Value you like and can also change list-style-type: with many options like : circle, disc or square.
  • Save Your template
Now whenever you create a bullet list in your posts make a minor change to it by adding p tag to it. How? Read below,
  • Once you have created a bullet list in your  post switch to the EDIT HTML Section and search for <ul> You will find a code something like below,
<li>Your Content Here</li>
<li>Your Content Here</li>
It doesn’t matter if the code appears horizontally. You just need to replace <li> with <li><p> and </li> with </p></li> . Replace them as many times as they appear. Now the code will look like this,
Your Content Here</p></li>
<li><p>Your Content Here</p></li>
Publish your post and enjoy the new bullet style.

Try it Yourself! :- MBT HTML EDITOR

Change Number List (ol) style on Mouse Hover

See a Live Preview First.

Live Demo
To add this effect to your posts, do the following,
  • Log into Blogger
  • Go To Layout > Edit HTML
  • Now add this piece of code just above ]]></b:skin>
.post ol {
  font: italic 1em Georgia, Times, serif;
  color: #999999;
.post ol li {
line-height: 1.4em;
font: italic 1em Georgia, Times, serif;
  color: #289728;
.post ol li:hover {
font:bold italic 1em Georgia, Times, serif;
  color: #0080ff;
.post ol p {
  font: normal 1em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  color: #555555;
Change the colors to suit your preferences. For help use our color chart.
  • Save your template
Now whenever you write a post and use a number list just make similar changes to the code in edit html section as you did for un-ordered list. But this time instead of searching for <ul> search for <ol> Make sure you change <li> with <li><p> and </li> with </p></li>
That’s it! preview you template to see the new change in number list.

Try it Yourself! :- MBT HTML EDITOR

Hope you loved this new way of learning and applying CSS effects to your templates :>
Update:- To learn how to add Image Bullet List with hover effect then click here

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