Saturday 11 August 2012

Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

blogger-navbar,-blogger-nav Removing blogger navigation bar is as easy as drinking a cup of tea! Below I have shared a pretty easy way of getting rid of that annoying nav-bar. The blogger navbar is a default feature that appears at the top of every blogger hosted blog. There are many reasons why you should remove the blogger navbar, some of which are mentioned below,

  1. It makes your blog look less professional
  2. You can be flagged by anyone!
  3. It allows your readers to view other member blogs by clicking the “Next Blog” button, which may contain objectionable content like adult explicit content!

Now you would agree with me, why I called it annoying. Before you may remove or hide blogger navigation bar please ensure that you have made a backup of your template.


As we are adding code directly to the Blogger template for this customization, it is necessary to make a back-up of the existing template code. If suppose you get an error while customizing your template or you delete or break a code accidently, you will be able to easily restore your template.

To make a back-up of your Blogger template, go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard, and look for the “Download full template” link near the top of the page.

Clicking on this link will prompt you to save your existing template to your computer hard drive. Save it somewhere so that you could find it easily while restoring your template.


Simply do the following,

  1. Go to layout > Edit HTML in your blogger dashboard
  2. Copy the code below, [Press “Ctrl + C” to copy & “Ctrl + V” to paste a code]


#navbar-iframe {   height:0px;   visibility:hidden;   display:none   }

    3.   Press Ctrl+F and search for Variable definitions

    3.   Paste the above code just before/above Variable definitions


    4.    Save your template and enjoy the new look of your pro blog :)

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